Comrades, there has been a change on how to report the Auxiliary reports. At the VTS it was stated that all that had to be reported was the Total of all the reports. Now that has changed, all the reports have to be broken down as shown on the online reporting page. Please remember to report the value, hours and miles.




The ONLY activity reports that will be accepted are submitted via the online reporting system, no exceptions. If you have questions, contact Activity Directory Bob Lutz at 586-924-4591 or

VFW Activity Reporting Instructions


Reporting dates for this administrative year will be from May 1, 2024 to April 30, 2025. Only projects completed after May 1, 2024 will be credited for the 2024-2025 program year.  Hospital & Activities Reports are due by the 10th of each month for the preceding month.  Reports submitted after the 10th will not be credited until the following month's reporting period.  Reports should be submitted for the period from the 1st day of the month to the last day of the month inclusive.  For example: for the period 09/01/2024 to 09/30/2024, you have until 10/10/2024 to have this report submitted to Department for credit for the month in which the activity was completed.  


Go to VFWMI.ORG webpage. Click on the LOGIN dropdown menu, then click on Report Entry. 

  • USERNAME is your Post Number (number only)
  • PASSWORD is Pass13, then click on Login inside the black box. (If you have any problems contact Department Webmaster John Gubin at 586-216-7088,

Next, find "Add Report Data" and click on Program Activity, then click on the ADD box all the way to the right. Your Community Service report will come up. Change the month to the appropriate month for which you are reporting by clicking on the arrow in the month box and then fill in the "submitted by” portion and the report will open ready to fill out.

  • FLY AMERICAN FLAG at Post put number in the member’s box. (Maximum of 4)
  • FLY POW/MIA FLAG AT POST put number in the Member’s box. (Maximum of 4)
  • MEMBERS THAT FLY THE POW/MIA OR AMERICAN FLAG AT HOME  put number of member’s that fly American Flag at home in member’s box in each section. (Maximum of 10% of total membership)
  • POW/MIA TABLE at Post put a 1 in the member’s box. (Maximum of 1)
  • LEGISLATOR CONTACT: Send or receive letters or have had contact with legislators, put number of letters/contacts that Post members have had contact with, in member’s box along with miles, hours and money spent. (Maximum of 50)
  • DRUG LITERATURE distributed and/or available at Post for YOUTH, put 1 in the member’s box. (Maximum of 1)
  • SAFETY LITERATURE distributed and/or available at Post for YOUTH put 1 in member’s box. (Maximum of 1)
  • DRUG LITERATURE distributed and/or available at Post for ADULTS put 1 in the member’s box. (Maximum of 1)
  • SAFETY LITERATURE distributed and/or available at Post for ADULTS put 1 in the member’s box. (Maximum of 1)
  • If the post or members do any function related to drug and/or safety, make a separate report and make sure to report if youth were included.
  • FACEBOOK, if a post maintains a Facebook page put 1 in the members box
  • WEBSITE, if a post maintains a post web page, put 1 in the members box
  • ATTENDING OTHER VETERAN ORGANIZATION MEETINGS put number of Post members that attended meetings and total hour and miles traveled.


In order to ADD MORE REPORTS, click on the green dot on the blank line and a new line will be added. Just type in the event that you want to report. Remember to put number of members, value, total hours for all members and miles.


If you are REPORTING A DONATION OF POST PROPERTY, put in the dollar amount that you would rent your Post for a non-member.


If you are reporting YOUTH ACTIVITIES, put down what the activity is and then put how many members participated, total hours, miles traveled if any and report any money spent or value of hall etc. in the value column.

SUBMITTING: Before you hit the submit button, make sure you have everything listed.


Make sure you fill out all of the information required. Money value is the value of hall rental, and value of donations etc. 


The IRS allows us to credit $.14 per mile.  The value of miles will be automatically calculated by the report program. The IRS does not allow credit for the value of labor.   

A SHORT description for each project along with value, hours, miles and number of Post Members participating etc. must be given.   Reports with no descriptions or inadequate descriptions will not be accepted.   Any reports with only numbers will NOT be accepted! 


List each project only once on the Program Report Form. Credit will be given on the Department Community Activity Report in each program in which credit is earned for each project reported. 


Do not combine reports on one line.  Each report has to be submitted separately.


Do not combine months on one page, submit separate forms for each month!  If you combine more than one month on a report only one month will be credited.


There are some report descriptions which will not result in credit being allowed.   Do not enter the following report descriptions in the Activity Report.  Community Service Activity credit will not be allowed for these reports.  Before you submit your report make sure you are not reporting one of the following:


Cancer donations (Credit is given on the donation report by the Department QM).


Hospital donations and blood drives (Credit is given on the Hospital Report).  Donating the hall for a blood drive IS reportable! Hospital reports will NOT be forwarded to the Hospital Director!


Post clean-up and other projects on VFW property.


Attending VFW meetings for Post, County Council, District, or Department Fall Conference, Mid-Winter Conference or Department Convention, etc.


Visiting other VFW Posts or VFW meetings.


Donating the Post home for VFW, County Council, District meetings, Auxiliary meetings, Cooties meetings, VFW Riders meetings etc. 

Saying the Pledge of Allegiance or posting the flag at Post events/meetings.


Doing fundraisers for the Post such as fish fries, steak outs etc. are NOT reportable unless the profits are going to the relief fund or for a person in need etc.

We suggest that you PRINT A COPY of your report before you hit the submit button in case of technical issues.


Submitting a report will take you back to the Member Access screen and you will be able to see the report you just entered under the Submitted Date. Once the Activities Director approves the report it will disappear.


Additional Instructions for Posts with Auxiliaries

Posts may submit reports of Auxiliary Activities that are reported to them from their Auxiliary on the appropriate Auxiliary Activity Report Form.  Following is the blank Auxiliary Activity Report Form, a sample of the form as completed by the Auxiliary, and an example of the VFW report with the Auxiliary data entered.                                    

Auxiliary Activity Report Form blank 

Auxiliary Activity Report Form Completed by Auxiliary

Auxiliary Activity Report Data as entered in VFW Report Form

Posts should review the All-State Program and individual programs for reporting requirements for maximum credits. This your responsibility. 

NOTE: Some programs have may have monetary limits before they are credited.  (READ THE DEPARTMENT PROGRAMS FOR THIS INFORMATION).


Districts and County Councils are not required to submit reports to Department through this reporting tool. 




 If you have any questions, contact:

Bob Lutz, Activity Evaluations Director 

  Phone 586 924-4591



Following are examples of report categories that will be credited based on the report description.

 CHECKLIST Comm Serv  American Youth Act  Drug  Safety  Legislature
Donations to youth organizations X   X      
Donations to another non-Veteran group X          
Gold Star Mothers X X        
Donations to other Veterans groups X        
Donate to non-Veteran funeral dinner  X          
Attending non-Veteran funeral X          
Military/Veterans funerals X X        
Memorial service for Veteran at funeral home X X        
Flag donations to youth group/school  X X  X      
Drug program/youth X   X X    
Drug program/adults X     X    
Safety program/youth X    X    X  
Safety program/adults X       X  
Flying American Flag X  X        
Flying POW/MIA Flag X X        
POW/MIA Table X X        
Flag raising & other Americanism projects X X        
Youth groups/school programs X  X X      
Scouts X  X X  X  
Youth sports etc. X X X X X  
National Home donations/projects X X X  X  
Attend National Home Michigan Day W/Colors X X X      
Scholarship Awards/youth X    X      
Projects to help other organizations./individuals X          
Projects to help other Veteran Org./Veterans X X        
Marching in parades X X  X If drug literature is passed out If safety literature is passed out If elected officials are present.
Letters to Legislators/attending functions X  X       X
Day of Challenge X   X      
Camp Trotter donations or work X  X X  X  
Sending children to Camp Trotter X  X X  X  X  
Recognition of Police, Fireman, EMTs X X    X  X  
Attending other Veterans groups meetings X X       X
POW-MIA Remembrance X X        
Operation Uplink/MAP X X        
Active Post Face Book X X       X
Active Post Web Site X X       X